Design and Technology Curriculum
Intent: What we want to achieve through teaching in Design and Technology
At Laceyfields, it is our intent when teaching Design and Technology that children will be engaged in purposeful learning experiences. They will engage in the process of design, production and evaluation, whilst learning how to manage and control risks within a safe environment and become innovative in their creations, learning skills that they will continue to develop in life.
Implementation – How we do it here
At Laceyfields, in Design and Technology children practise a wide range of skills such cutting different fabrics, joining two materials, food processing, sewing and using mechanisms. In EYFS, children learn how to cut and join, building models based on their own ideas through continuous provision. In KS1, children develop this further by studying prototypes and working out how they have been made. Children are encouraged to give opinions so that they can generate their own ideas. They follow the design process so that they can give deliberate thought to the purpose of their own design before planning, selecting tools and materials to produce the final design. Problem solving is integral to the process and children learn to amend their designs and learn from setbacks from design flaws. The theme for the design may be linked to the key text in English or to other foundation subjects, for example, making a healthy breakfast linked with Science.
Impact: How we will see effective Design and Technology teaching
Our children will be ready for the next stage in their education knowing some basic life-skills, giving them the foundations to have the confidence to innovate. They will combine and apply a range of principals to create something that is unique to them. |