Statutory information
Statutory Information
Each academy is required by law to make the following information available. A hyperlink to the relevant section of the website is provided below.
- The academy’s name, postal address and telephone number, plus a contact name to whom enquiries should be addressed.
- The name of the Headteacher
- The name and contact address of the Chair of the Governing Body
- The name and contact details of the school’s SENCO
- The academy’s admission arrangements and also detail of school opening hours
- Detail of Djanogly Learning Trust
- Details of the academy’s policy for excluding pupils Information on where to access the academy’s most recent Ofsted report and the school performance tables as published on the DfE’s website
- For each academic year, the content of the curriculum including the academy’s approach along with guidance on how to find out more about the curriculum
- The names of any phonics or reading schemes being used in KS1
- The school’s policy on behaviour
- The amount of the school’s allocation from the Pupil Premium grant in respect of the current academic year plus the following information:
- Details of how it is intended that the allocation will be spent.
- Details of how the previous academic year’s allocation was spent.
- The effect of this expenditure on the educational attainment of those pupils for whom the funding was allocated.
- The amount of PE & Sport Premium funding received for the current academic year plus the following information:
- A full breakdown of you the academy has spent or will spend the funding this year
- The effect of the premium on pupil’s PE and sport participation and attainment
- How the academy will make sure improvements are sustainable
- The SEN information report and the SEN policy, including the date of its annual review
- The academy’s Accessibility plan
- Details of how the school complies with equality objectives
- The academy’s complaints procedure and whistleblowing policy
- The academy’s financial information, including annual reports and accounts, memorandum of association, and funding agreement
- The Governors’ register of interest and attendance record.
- Details of the academy’s governing body
- The academy’s charging and remissions policy
- A statement of the academy’s ethos and values