Music Curriculum
Intent: What we want to achieve through Music teaching
At Laceyfields Academy, our intent when teaching music is that children will recognise music as a source of enjoyment, relaxation, motivation and inspiration. We intend to provide a high quality music curriculum for all our children so that they have a better understanding of the world around them and beyond. We want our children to experience different musical genres from around the world so that they can develop their own musical likes and identity.
Implementation – How we do it here
At Laceyfields Academy, children have the opportunity to listen to, appreciate, perform, create and evaluate a range of music genres from around the world. They experience and explore the interrelated dimensions of music through singing and playing tuned and untuned instruments. We use ‘Charanga Music School’ to support the teaching of music. Children develop their creativity by improvising vocally and by playing instruments.
We also use music to help our children feel part of a community through singing assemblies. We invite parents to ‘Sing-alongs’ at Christmas and our children also perform songs in presentations to parents at the ends of term.
Impact: How we will see effective Music teaching
Our children will be ready for the next stage in their education knowing a range of music genres and artists. They will have developed a range of skills in singing and playing instruments using pulse, rhythm, pitch and other dimensions. They will be able to perform a range of songs confidently. They will show creativity inspired by music they have learned and they will begin to develop a musical identity.